Saturday, May 13, 2006

Talk Shows Bite

There was a point where I really loved Conan O’Brien. My sister and I would endure the completely unfunny meanderings of Jay Leno and David Letterman to watch Conan. Eventually, he too became tiresome and I found better things to do with my late nights.

It’s hard to put into words why I really dislike the likes of Letterman and Leno. However there is a video that summarizes it well. This is Harvey Pekar’s last appearance on Letterman before he was banned from the show. He was eventually asked back roughly 10 years later.

Notice that instead of dealing with Pekar in an intelligent manner he instead resorts to using good old sight gags and mental illness insults. What a tool.

1 comment:

LOTC said...

you know of my hate of leno from years ago. Conan though, it's sad to see what's happened to him. Fatherhood has made him soft.