Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Wish List

Every year I get asked, “What do you want for Christmas?” Every year I have the same answer, “Nothing.” For the past few years, people have been giving me gift certificates and I have yet to use about 70% of them. I even got this $100 gift certificate for the Future Shop from work and I gave it away to Chris. There is absolutely nothing that I have wanted to buy since I got back from Italy. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Until now.

I’ve become fairly obsessed with two people over the past few years — Ina Garten and Nigella Lawson. Both are domestic goddesses — Nigella in a more rustic way and Ina in a more polished, East-Hampton way. Both are hotties — Nigella in a more old-school screen siren way and Ina in a more Leave It Beaver, matronly fashion.

For Christmas this year, I wouldn’t mind a cookbook from the fine collection of either one of these ladies. That’s it. That’s all I could think of. So if I exchange gifts with you on a yearly basis over the holidays, this is all I got for you to go on.

(Unless your name happens to rhyme with "miss" and you sleep in the same bed as me a few times a week. For people that fit this profile, only the Cartier Love Bracelet will do.)

1 comment:

LOTC said...

now that you have your igital amera only the bracelet will do. Naturally.