Monday, March 06, 2006

How cute is Jake Gyllenhaal?

Now I know this is not new, but it's new to me. Although I think Jakeypoo is adorable, I wasn't so convinced that he should be on my "bangable" list. However, I've just seen some pictures that have moved Jakeypoo into bangable territory.

Here is Jake having dinner with Ang Lee:

So it seems that Jakeypoo had a bit too much to drink at said dinner.

And my favourite. Here he is looking like a jackass as he crashes a photo of Ang and Uma.

I am a sucker for drunken jackass antics. Well done Jakeypoo, well done.

1 comment:

LOTC said...

Oh. My. Gawd! I would totally bang that guy. Drunk or sober (that goes for both him and myself).