Friday, February 03, 2006

Gwyneth Paltrow needs to shut the fuck up

Whilst perusing through, I came a across a story about how Gwyneth don’t like drunk ladies. Here’s the quote:

"I really don't like drunk women. I think it's such a bad look. I think it's very inappropriate.

"I think, 'Ooh, you're really degrading yourself to be this p**sed out in public.'"

Escoooose me?

Who the fuck do you think you are?

Some of my best friends are drunk women who get “pissed” in public places. And I will go so far to say that these women are far more beautiful, engaging, complex and intelligent than Gwyneth Paltrow can ever dream of being.

Now I have never ever liked Gwyneth. Sure she is pretty in that boring waspy fashion, but she is nothing special. And quite frankly, girlfriend talk too much.

For someone who claims to value her privacy, she sure does a lot of talking to the press. First she’s going on about her break up with Brad. Then her break up with Ben. Then about how she married Chris Martin ‘cause he looked like her dad. (Slightly creepy) Then she says that the reason why Brad and Jenn broke up was because they talked too much about their relationship.

SHUT THE FUCK UP GWYNETH. No one gives a flying fuck about your stuck-up view of the world.

Lock up the doors to your posh house in London and never ever let us hear or read any more utterances from your tight thin lips.

FYI. You are totally B-O-R-I-N-G.


Christopherr said...

i think jen aniston is worse then paltrow.

Anonymous said...

wait a minute... gwyn feels that snorting coke off a strippers ass is not boring? pfft... i guess she never has really lived. stripper-ass-lines is sooooo 20th century.

Communist Haberdasher said...

Jen Aniston is also boring, but not nearly as annoying as Gwyneth.

Money you are so rock star!

LOTC said...

From one publically drunk woman to another: Bravo.