Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Can you mandal it?

Ah warm weather…

So many great things that come along with the warm weather. Picnics, BBQs, patios, cute girls in mini-skirts, cute boys in tank tops, just to name a few.

However, all is not idyllic in the world of warm weather. Yes, there are scary things that come with warm weather. One such frightening item is the MANDAL or man sandal. As with most things, there is the good,

the bad,

and the ugly.

So men, if you must get your mandal on, please do us all a favour and ask for some help from your more stylish friends and lovers. And for the love of all things sacred, get a GD pedicure. I don’t care if it’s a home spa solution or if it’s done at your local Vietnamese pedicure purveyor. Mandals or not, no one you love needs to see your feet looking all crusty.

1 comment:

-_- said...

Those are not so bad (well, the first one)...although I'm with you, I don't want to see 'em on a man's feet.
But one thing that always screams SUSPECT in my mind is a man wearing flip-flops.
My boss (who is gay) can get away with that. NOBODY ELSE!!!